- Employees are allowed a 20% discount on most items in the General Store
- Discount does not apply to any tobacco product
- This is a privilege for Employees only and may not be used for the benefit of any other persons
- Employee must pay for purchase at time of purchase. No Charging
- Any Employee abusing this privilege will lose this privilege
- Office Manager must approve all Employee Discounts
- Employees are allowed a discount on items in the Cafe
- This is a privilege for Employees only and may not be used for the benefit of any other persons
- Employee must pay for purchase at time of purchase. No Charging
- Any Employee abusing this privilege will lose this privilege
- Office Manager must approve all Employee Discounts
- Employees are allowed a 50% discount on items in the Out Back
- This is a privilege for Employees only and may not be used for the benefit of any other persons
- Employee must pay for purchase at time of purchase. No Charging
- Any Employee abusing this privilege will lose this privilege
- Manager must approve all Employee Discounts
- Employees may not make reservations for their family members or themselves
- Employees may camp at a discounted rate of 20% off. This is a privilege for Employees only and may not be used for the benefit of any other person. Discount does not apply to reservations. Discount only applies to sites that are rented the same day as the stay
- Employees may not assign themselves a site
- Discount only applies to Employee and his/her immediate family
- Immediate family is a group of one or more parents and their children living together as a unit
- Discount does not include parents grandparents, siblings, grandchildren, uncles, aunts, etc. not considered immediate family as described
- Employee’s spouses and children may use the Employee Camping Discount only when accompanied by Employee
- Office manager must make employee reservation and register said employee’s campsite
- Any Employee abusing this privilege will lose this privileg
- Employees are required to conduct themselves in a reasonable manner at all times while on Campground premises