Maintenance Shift Leader

Brandy Losh, Department Manager

Erick (Charlie) Calloway, Shift Manager


As Shift Leader, your responsibility is to oversee shift employees and answer camper issues and complaints. It is your responsibility to see that campground rules are followed

You have no responsibility for inventory, general business functions, scheduling, or payroll

  • It is your responsibility to be knowledgeable of SVC’s policies.  If a question arises that you cannot answer ask a manager
  • It is your responsibility to boost the morale of employees.  A “Good job” can go a long way
  • You are expected to show respect to all management and see that employees do the same
  • We thank you for any suggestions you may have.  Bring your ideas to Brandy.  If your idea is accepted it will be implemented.  No changes will be made without her approval
  • It is your responsibility to not gossip, nor allow idle gossip about management, employees, or campers
  • It is your responsibility to see that ALL employees clean the office, store and cafe’ at the end of the shift
  • It is your responsibility to keep employees busy.  If they are sitting idly by, they need to be asked to do whatever duties need to be done.
  • Any Employee issues need to be brought to Brandy’s attention
  • If a situation comes up where an employee cannot work the hours scheduled, this needs to be brought to Brandy’s attention
  • Since you are not responsible for scheduling, you may not allow employees to switch schedules with another employee.  This needs to be brought to Lisa’s attention as this is her responsibility


  • You are expected to arrive on time and ready to work
  • From time to time we all have problems at home. We expect you to leave yours there
  • Be Polite
  • You are expected to be available on weekends and holidays
  • You may ask for occasional day(s) off.  While we will try to grant your request, this cannot become a habit.  A previous request from your fellow worker for the same day(s) off will take precedence


  • Employee’s family and/or friends may not ‘hang out’ at the campground while Employee is working.
  • If Employee’s manager asks Employee to work overtime, Employee is not entitled to contact another Employee to work their overtime for them.
  • Employees may not make their own schedule.
  • Employees may only work overtime when asked by any Manager


  • Empty trash containers
  • Clean and maintain hot tubs
  • Clean and maintain swimming pool. Pool must be check at least every two (2) hours.
  • Clean the Pavilion
  • Clean Picnic Shelter
  • Clean around lake
  • Clean grounds
  • Clean fire rings


  • Employees are expected to pick up any trash they see, inside or outside
  • Employees using restroom and noticing any untidiness should tidy up or inform Housekeeping, Duke ASAP
  • Any other task requested by any manager