Drug & Alcohol Policy

  • Effective July 1, 2021, it is legal for adults in Virginia to use marijuana.  The use of marijuana, like alcohol, at Shenandoah Valley Campground will not be tolerated. Let this be an off duty activity
  • In recognition of the importance of a work environment free from the harmful effects of substance abuse for the safety, health, and well-being of our employees, the quality of service to our customers, and the reputation of the company, Shenandoah Valley Campground is a drug-free workplac
  • The following policy serves to express and support our drug-free workplace goal
  • For the purposes of this policy, we consider any location where we engage in our business as our workplace and our premises. This includes parking areas, vehicles used for company purposes, and general property facilities
  • The drug-free workplace policy applies to all Shenandoah Valley Campground employees, full-time, part-time, and temporary
  • While compliance with this policy is mandatory, it is not a contract or guarantee of employment with Shenandoah Valley Campground
  • Employee alcohol and/0r drug use is prohibited on Shenandoah Valley Campground property whether on or off duty
  • Further, use of alcohol, on or off the property that adversely affects an employee’s job performance, workplace morale or the public’s perception of Shenandoah Valley Campground is not acceptable
  • Employees are required to conduct themselves in a reasonable manner at all times while on Shenandoah Valley Campground premises
  • Inappropriate use of alcohol and/or drugs, will subject the employee to immediate disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment
  • Shenandoah Valley Campground has instituted periodic and random drug and alcohol testing in furtherance of the Campground’s commitment to a drug-free workplace
  • “Periodic” testing may occur at the discretion of the company
  • “Random” testing will occur based on scientifically generated random selections by an independent third party
  • Employees who refuse to allow drug or alcohol testing, or who attempt to invalidate the test will be terminated immediately
  • Invalidating a test includes, but is not limited to, specimen substitution, adulteration, or dilution, failure to provide a specimen without a medical reason, or behaving in a manner to obstruct the testing process