Standards Of Conduct

Standards of Conduct

The Standards of Conduct are the general rules that govern employee behavior. This list is intended as a guideline and does not necessarily include all violations. It would be a violation of company policy to engage in any of the following behaviors:

  • THEFT (attempted or actual) – Theft can include, but is not limited to:
    1. Taking or using property that belongs to SVC, fellow employees, customers, or to anyone other than you.
    2. Being aware of theft and not reporting it. This includes both direct and indirect information about an act of theft or misappropriation
    3. Signing or clocking in or out in a manner that results in payment of wages for time not actually worked.  This included working unauthorized hours
    4. Using your discount to benefit anyone who is not entitled to that discount.  This pertains to Employee and Family Discounts.  Just because you pay for it does not entitle someone else to benefit from that discount
  • DRUGS – Possessing or being under the influence of alcohol, inhalants, intoxicants, illegal drugs, or the misuse of legal drugs
  • PUBLIC DISPLAYS OF AFFECTION – Any display or demonstration of any form of sexual contact/conduct, whether consensual or not is not allowed.  This is embarrassing to fellow employees and customers.  Save it for home
  • LEAVING – Leaving an assigned position without authorization or refusing to report to your assigned position
  • FALSIFYING – Tampering or providing false information on reports and records
  • ABSENTEEISM or TARDINESS – Absenteeism or tardiness beyond the set limits of the Attendance Policy
  • INSUBORDINATION – This includes failing or refusing to perform work as instructed, failing to follow company policies and procedures, being rude to fellow employees or superiors
  • CRIMINAL ACTIVITY – Criminal activity that is on or off company property that poses a substantial risk to other employees, campers, and/or property of SVC (includes drug use on company property)
  • POOR CONDUCT – Acting or engaging in conduct, whether on-duty or off-duty that could cause SVC or any of its employees embarrassment; that creates the appearance of impropriety; or that otherwise causes the company or employees to be held in disrepute by the community, its customers, or its employees
  • OFFENSIVE LANGUAGE – Malicious gossip or the use of abusive language or gestures that SVC deems to be PROFANE or OFFENSIVE towards customers, employees, or anyone else
  • GOSSIPING – Workplace gossip is informal communication that people share about their colleagues, coworkers or supervisors. Gossip typically involves information that is personal or private. Gossip includes discussion about an employee’s personal life outside their presence
  • CONFIDENTIALITY – Due to the nature of our business, it is essential that all of our employees fully understand how to treat confidential information. Accordingly, this employee confidentiality policy has been crafted and implemented to ensure that everyone who works for us knows and complies with our expectations regarding sensitive information. This includes sharing this EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK on social media or with non-employees. This includes meetings with General Managers and/or Department Managers
  • VIOLATIONS of the DRESS CODE – Excessive violations of the Appearance guidelines
  • SAFETY VIOLATIONS – Violations of safety procedures. This includes talking on a cell phone while on duty
  • NEGLIGENCE – Deliberately or carelessly using, misusing, losing, wasting, or damaging property of the company, an employee, customers, or anyone else
  • LOITERING – Allowing others to disrupt your work, or being disruptive in a manner that interrupts the normal course SVC’s operation
  • SLEEPING – Sleeping on the job during working hours
  • HARASSMENT – Harassment of any type including horseplay, threatening behavior, or fighting
  • GOSSIPING – Workplace gossip is informal communication that people share about their colleagues, coworkers or supervisors. Gossip typically involves information that is personal or private
  • UNAUTHORIZED ENTRANCE – providing entrance to unauthorized persons (friends, family). Trespassing on SVC’s property during non-duty or non-operating hours.